غير محدد / محمد سعيد محمد صديق حفناوي
Latest List of Publications
1- Essential Olls of Certain Labiaceous Plants of Egypt ; American Perfumer & Cosmetics, 85, 8,23,1970 .
2- A study of Leaf Essential Oils of Bitter orange and Bergamot growing in Egypt ; Amer. Perf. & Cosmet. 85,11, 29, 1970.
3- Peel Oils of Different Types of Citrus sinensis L. and C. aurantium L. growing Egypt; J. pharm Sci. (U.S.A.), 60,3,381,1971.
4- A Study of the Steam Distilled Peel and Leaf Oils of Certain Citrus Species growing in Egypt; J. Pharm Sci. (U.A.R), 12,2,361,1971.
5- A Study of the Peel Oils of Lemon, Lime and Mandarin growing Egypt; Amer. Perf, & Cosmet., 86,6,53,1971.
6- A Study of the flower Oils of Certain Citrus Species Growing in Egypt; Amer. Perf, & Cosmet., 87,41,197 .
7- A Comparative Botanical study of the Leaves of Certain Citrus Species Growing in Egypt; J. Pharm Sci (U. A. R), 13,1.163, 1972.
8- Colorimetric Assay of Citral and Citronellal in Volatile oils; J. Assoc. of Off. Anal Chem.(A. O. A. C), 55, 6, 1183, 1972.
9- Colorimetric and GLC Assay of Linalool in Volatile Oils; Anais de Academia Brasileira de Cienoias , 44, 65, 1972.
10- A study of Oils of Ocimum basilicum and O. rubrum growing in Egypt; J. Agricultural & Food chemistry , 22, 3, 1972.
11- Oils of Jasmin, Rose and Cassie of Egypian origin; Bull. Fac. Pharm Cairo University, 13, 1, 1974.
12- A study of Lipids of Prunus armeniaca L. Seeds; Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo University, 13,1,1974.
13- Analytical study of the Voltile Oil of Thymus vulgaris L. growing in Egypt; A. O. A.C, 57, 997, 1974.
14- A study of Voltile Oil of Psidium guaijava L. Leaf; International congress of Ess. Oils, San Francisco, California, U. S. A., September, 8– 12, 1974.
15- Phytochemical study of Voltile Oil of Cymbopogon proximus Stapf; International congress of Ess. Oils, San Francisco, U. S. A., September, 8– 12, 1974.
16- Phytochemical study of Centaurea calcitrapa L. growing in Egypt J. Pharm. Sci., 46, 1975.
17- Isolation and Preliminary Pharmacological and Microbiological Screening of Cnicin from Centaurea calcitrapa.; Egypt J. Pharm. Sci., 46, 975.
18- Colorimetric Assay of Strychnine and Brucine in Nux vomica; A.O.A.C 8, 85, 1975.
19- Colorimetric and Gas Iiquid chromatographic Determination of Atropine – Hyoscyamine and Hyoscine (Scopolamine) in Solanaceous Plant; A. O. A. C, 58,884, 1975.
20- Determination of Nicotine As Poison in Foods; Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 17, 2, 207, 1976.
21- Alkaloids of Araliopsis soyauxii; Isolation of A New Alkaloid , Araliopsine; Phytochemistry , 15,743 ,1976 .
22- Alkaloids Of Mytrtopsis Sellingii ; Isolation Of A New Alkaloid , Myrtopsine ; Planta Medica , 29 , 346 , 1976 .
23- Egyptian Marjoram Oil ; Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 17 , 4, 329, 1976 .
24- TLC – Colorimetric Determination of Cineole in Vol. Oils Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 17, 4, 311, 1976.
25- Neutral Products of Mytopsis sellingii, Isolation of Two New Coumarins, the Myrsellin and the Myrsellinol ; Planta Medica, 31, 156, 1977 .
26- Neutral Products and Alkaloids of Myrtopsis macrocarpa, M. myrtoidea M. novae caladoniae and M. sellingii; Phytochemistry , 16, 1035, 1977 .
27- Volatile Oil of Atemisia judaica L.; Proceedings of the VII International congess of Essential Oils, kyoto. Japan. October 7- 11, 1977.
28- Egyptian Essential Oils of Mentha piperita L. at Different Stages of Plant maturity; Egypt. J. pharm. Sci., 18,4,387, 1977.
29- Study of Egyptian Essential Oil of Mentha spicata L. at different stages of Plant Maturity; Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 18,4,423,1977.
30- Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer, Time of Cutting and Drying on M. piperita L and M. spicata L.; Egypt. J. pharm. Sci., 18, 4, 422, 1977 .
31- Analysis of Certain Pharmaceutical Preparations Containing Volatile oils and / or Volattile Oil Constituents ; Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 19, (1-4), 33, 1978.
32- Leaf Essential Oil of Three Different Varieties of Citrus reticulata Blanco Growng in Egypt; Perfumer and Flavorist, 4, 26- 7, 1979 .
33- Colorimetric Detrmination of carvone in Volatile Oils in the presence of Menthone and Pulegone; A. O. A. C., 62, 2, 250, 1979.
34- Essential oil of Xylopia aethiopica A. Rich Fruits; Planta Medica, 37 ,57, 1979 .
35- Macro and Micro – Morphology of Asclepias curassavica L., Part 1- Root, Stem and Leaf; Bull. Fac. Pharm ., Cairo University, XVIII, 1, 63, 1979.
36- Part III- the flower; Bull Fac. Pharm., Cairo University, XVIII, 2, 7, 1979.
37- Part II- the Fruit; Bull Fac. Pharm ., Cairo University , XVIII, 2, 147, 1979.
38- Colorimetric and Chomatographic Assay of Fatty acids in Sunflower seed Oils; Egypt. J. pharm. Sci., 20, (1-4), 121, 1979 .
39- Safflower Seeds; Study of Sterols, Carbohydrates, Glycosides and Analysis of Cake; J. Pharm. Sci., 20, (1-4), 131, 1979.
40- Study of Essential oil of Pelargonium fragrance L. Growing in Egypt; J. pharm. Sci., 20, (1-4), 139, 1979 .
41- A contribution to the Study of Essential oil of Artemeisia judaica L Growing in Egypt; J. Pharm. Sci., 20, (1-4), 147, 1979.
42- Preliminary Phytochemical and Microbiological Screening of Lupinus termis Forsk Seeds: Bull. Fac. Pharmacy, Cairo University 18, 9, 1979.
43- Herb and Fruit Essential oil of Parsley; Egypt; J. Pharm. Sci., 21, (1&2), 61, 1980.
44- Study of Certain Factors Affecting Yield and Composition of Herb Parsley Essential oil ; Egypt; J. Pharm. Sci., 21, (1&2), 69, 1980.
45- Isolation of Certain Major Cardenolides and Quantitative Estimation of total Glycosides of Asclepias curassavica L. Growing in Egypt; J . Pharm . Sci., 21, (1&2), 77 , 1980 .
46- Sunflower, Study of Sterols, Carbohydrates, Volatile oil and Analysis of Cake; J. Pharm. Sci., 21, (1&2), 83, 1980.
47- Study of Essential oil of Cymbopogon nardus Rendel Cultivated in Egypt; African J of Med. Plants, 4, 29 1981.
48- Essential olis of Artemisia herba-alba, Asso. Proc. of IXth International Congress of Essential olis, Singapore, March, 1983, pp 39-40.
49- Characterization and evaluation of Saudi Arabian Khate; Proc. International Conference on Khate, Antananarivo, Madgascar, Jan. 17-21pp, 110-134, 1983
50- Contribution to Study of Cold Pressed Peel Oil of Egyption Citrus sinensis (Type Baladi); Ass. Proc. of IXth International Congress of Essential olis, singapore, March, 1983, pp 5758.
51- Essential oil of Psiadia arabica Jaup et Sp, Pharmazie, 39, 914, 1984.
52- Phytochemical screening and Study of Lipids, Falvonoids, Carbohydrate and Mucilages of Asclepias curassavica L.; Egypt; J.Pharm. Sci.
53- Colorimetric and Chromatographic Assay of Fatty acids in Sunflower Seed Oils; Egypt J. Pharm Sci., 20,(1-4), 121, 1979.
54- Phytochemical study of Hembaze (Emex spinosa); Proc. Saudi Biol Soc. 7, 175(1984).
55- Aromatic plants of Saudi Arabia – Part V – Essential oil of Lavandula pubescense Decne., Proc. Saudi Biol. Soc; 7,191 (1984).
56- Aromatic plants of Saudi Arabia – Part VI- Essential oil of Jasonia candicans Del., Proc. Saudi Biol. Soc; 7 ,201(1984).
57- Aromatic plants of Saudi Arabia – Part VII- Essential oil of Plectranthus tenuiflorus., Proc. Saudi Biol. Soc; 8, 147 (1985).
58- Aromatic plants of Saudi Arabia – Part X- Essential oil of Horwoodia dicksoniae, Proc. Saudi Biol. Soc; 8; 163(1985).
59- Aromatic plants of Saudi Arabia – Part XI- Essential oil of Cleome chrysantha Proc. Saudi Biol. Soc; 8, 169(1985).
60- Phytochemical and Biological screening of Pergularia tomentosa, Proc. Saudi Biol . Soc., 8, 155 (1985).
61- Myricetin, Dihydromyricetin and Quercetin Glycosides From Catha edulis Forssk, J. of Natural Products 49, 1, 172(1986).
62- Dihydrocoumarin and certain other coumarins from Prunus mahaleb seeds J. of Natural Products, 49 (4), 721 ((1986)
63- Phytochemical and Biological Investigations on Date Seeds (Phoenix dactyliferae) Produced in Saudi Arabia: Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, 4(2), 495, 1986.
64- On the Possible role of Qinghao acid in the Biosynthesis of artemisinin, Phytocmistry, 25(12), 2777- 2778; 1986 .
65- Aromaticc Plants of Saudi Arabia – Part VIII – GC /MS Analysis of Essential oils of Pulicaraia arabica and P. undulata, International Journal of Crude Drug Research, 25, 113 (2) 119(1987) .
66- Ghalakinoside, A cytotxic cardiac glycoside from Pergularia tomentosa, Phytochemistry 27(10),32245 – 50, 1988.
67- Aromtic Plans of saudi arabia, Part IX, GC/ MS Analysis of Essential oils of Triumfetta flavescns; Arab gulf J. Scient, Res., B 6 (3), 389 – 1988.
68- Flavonoids and coumarins from three Saudi Arabian Compositae species Int. J. Crude Drug Res. 26 (2), 181 – 84, 1988.
69- Pharmcognostical and Preliminary Phytochemical investigation of the fruit of Pergularia tomentosa L. J. Crude Drug Res. 26 (1), 9- 11, 1988.
70- Leaf essential oils of Eucalyptus citriodora Hook and E. Rostrata Schl growing in Egypt. Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 27(2), 58 (1989).
71- Biochemical studies on Ghalakinoside, A Possible Antiumor Agent form Pergularia tomentosa, Journal of Ethno Pharmacology 27, 235-40 (1989).
72- Study of Essential oil of Artemisia monoperma del and its Larvicidal Effect: Int. J. crude drug Res. 28 (4), 245 – 51 1990.
73- Comparative HPLC and GLC determination of caffeine in different food products. J. of Liquid Chromatography, 13 (5), 1013 – 28, (1990).
74- Two flavones from Psiadaia arabica, Phytochemistry, 29 (10), 3372 – 73, 1990.
75- Two Germacrane Sesquiterpenes from Pulicaria glutinosa; Phytochemistry, 29 (5) 1595 – 99, 1990.
76- Ghalakinoside, A novel cytotoxic glycoside from Pergularia tomentosa; Acute toxicity study and Effect, on Cardio Vascular System, J. Egypt, Soc Pharmcol. Exp., ther. 10 (2) 359 – 95, 1991.
77- Aromatic plant of Saudi Arabia, part 12 – Essential oil of Conyyza incana; Int. J. Pharmcognosy, 29 (3), 188- 192, 1991.
78- Aromatic Plant of Saudi Arabia, Part 12 – Essential oil of Micromeria cinaica; Int. J. Pharmcognosy, 29 (3)PP- 193- 196, 1991.
79- Pergularotside, A new glycoside from Pergularia tomentosa L., AI azhar J. of Nat. Prod. 5, 1991.
80- Pharmacognostical and Microchemical Investigations of Lygos raetam Forssk, Hamdard medicus (Pakistan) Vol. XXXV no 1, 47- 60, 1992.
81- Saponins of Nigella sativa L. cultivated in Egypt; Az. J. Pharm. Sci. 11, 74 June 1993.
82- Comparative Pharmacognostical Study of Certain Terminalia species, Part I. Bark, Stem and Leaf, Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 36, 2, 73 (1998).
83- Comparative Pharmacognostical Study of Certain Terminalia species, Part II. Flower and Fruit, Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 36, 2, 91 (1998).
84- Phytochemical and Biological Study of Certain Terminalia Species Growing in Egypt, J. Drug Res. NODCAR, Egypt, 22 (1-2), 67 (1998).
85- A Flavonol Triglyceride From Chenopodium murale, Phytochemistry, 51, 591 (1999).
86- Carbohydrates, lipids, Proteins and Amino acid Constituents of Chenopodium murale, Cyperus alopecuroides, Desmostachya bipinnata and Tamarix nilotica as allergic plants, Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 37, 2, 99 (1999).
87- Phytochemical and Biological Studies on Alkaloidal Content of Some allergy-producing Plants Growing in Egypt, Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 37, 2, 107 (1999).
88- Essential oil of Egyptian Guava Leaves, Egypt J. Pharm. Sci. No2, 209-17 (1999).
89- Comparative Chemical and Biological Investigations of Certain Essential Oils Belonging to Families Asteraceae, Lamiacea and Graminae; Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo-Univ. 39, No 2, 35-53 (2001).
90- Diphenylamine, a Hypoglycemic Agent from Citrus Fruits Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ. 39(2),93-97 (2001).
91- Chemistry of Certain Certain Citrus Species growing in Egypt (Nutritive Value of Certain Citrus Juices), Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo University 39(2),83-91 (2001).
92 Anti-inflamatory and Analgesic Effects of Salix Subserrata Willd Growing in Egypt, Kasr El Aini Medical Journal Vol 7(4), 1-13 (2001).
93- Egyptian Desert Truffles, Androgenic Natural Product, Possibily of Abusing in Sport; Recent Advances in Doping Analysis(9) 19th Cologne Workshop on Dope Analysis p199-203 Sport and Buch Staub Koln 2001.
Under Publication:
94- Preparation of Halwa taheniia by Gypsopphylla paniculata as Local Emulsifier J. Pharm. Sci., in Press.
95- Study of Essential oil, Fixed oil and Residual Cake of Egyption Coriander and Cumen fruits; Egypt; J. Pharm. Sci., in press .
96- Role of Chromium in growth, pigment formation and alkaloidal content of Datura stramonium L., Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ.
97- Macro-and micromorphology of Physalis peruviana L., Part 1- Root, stem and leaf, Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ.
98- About the chemical Study of the constituents of Myrtopsis sellingii and M. novae caledoniae; Bull Fac. Pharm ., Cairo Univ. in press.
99- Study of fruit essential oil of certain Umbelliferous plants growing in Egypt. Bull Fac. Pharm ., Cairo Univ. in press.
100- Comparative GLC and Colorimetric follow up of some sympathomimetic drugs in Blood and urine; J. Pharm Sci., in Press.
101- Growth and anthocyanin synthesis in Callus cultures of Pergularia tomentosa; Under publication.
102- Phytochemical and Biological Evaluation of Tanacetum Santolinoides and Artemisia monosperma (Asteraceae) J. Nat. Product (Korean) under Publication.
103- Role of Medicinal Plants in Treatment of Some Allergic Diseases in Children.
104- Phytochemical Study and Evaluation of the Anti-inflamatory activity of Some Medicinal Plants Growing in Egypt.
105- Phytochemical Investigation of Volatile Oil of Cymbopogon Proximus.
106- Effect of Manuring, Irrigation and Time of Harvesting of Plant on Lemon Grass Oil.
107 Phytochemical Investigation of Pleurotus species Produced in Egypt.
108- Suggested Natural Nutritional Mixture and its Effect on Some Physiological Variables to Improve the Performance Level of Swimming.
109- Effect of an Alimental Compound of Antioxidant Activity on the Level of Superoxide Disumetase Enzyme and Some Physiological Variables after Performing an Aerobic and Anaerobic Excersise for Atheletes.
110- Essential Oils of Eucalyptus citiodora and E. rostrata Growing in Egypt.
111- A Study on the Quality and Performance of Extracts and Pharmaceutical Formulations of Garlic in the Egyptian Market.