Associate Professor Dr. / Ahmed Sayed Saad Bayoumy AAMER
Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry

Latest List of Publications

[1] A.M. Badawy, A.B.A. El-Aleem, A.S. Saad, Stability-indicating spectrophotometric methods for determination of tazarotene in the presence of its alkaline degradation product by derivative spectrophotometric techniques., Drug Test. Anal. 2 (2010) 130–136.
[2] A.S. Saad, H.W. Darwish, A.M. Badawy, A.B.A.E.B.A. El-aleem, Stability-indicating chemometric methods for the determination of tazarotene., Drug Test. Anal. 2 (2010) 357–361.
[3] A.M. Badawy, A.S. Saad, A.E.-A.B. Abd El-Aleem, Simultaneous determination of retinoic acid and hydroquinone in pharmaceutical formulations using spectrophotometric methods, in: 2nd Sci. Conf. Fac. Pharmacy, Cairo Univ. "Quality Assur. Pharm. Educ., Cairo, Egypt., 2010.
[4] H.W. Darwish, A.S. Saad, A.M. Badawy, A.E.-A.B. Abd El-Aleem, Stability indicating chemometric methods for determination of tazarotene in ternary mixture with its degradation products, in: 2nd Sci. Conf. Fac. Pharmacy, Cairo Univ. "Quality Assur. Pharm. Educ., Cairo, Egypt., 2010.
[5] E.S. Elzanfaly, A.S. Saad, A.E.-A.B. Abd El-Aleem, A simple validated spectrophotometric method for simultaneous determination of binary mixtures, in: Egypt. Pharm. Soc. XXXII Conf. Pharm. Sci., 2011.
[6] E.S. Elzanfaly, A.S. Saad, A.B. Abd Elaleem, Simultaneous determination of retinoic acid and hydroquinone in skin ointment using spectrophotometric technique ( ratio difference method ), Saudi Pharm. J. 20 (2012) 249–253.
[7] E.S. Elzanfaly, A.S. Saad, A.B. Abd Elaleem, A. Elaziz, B.A. Elaleem, E.A. Elaleem, A smart simple spectrophotometric method for simultaneous determination of binary mixtures, J. Pharm. Anal. 2 (2012) 382–385.
[8] E.S. Elzanfaly, A.S. Saad, A.E.B. Abd-Elaleem, A.B. Abd Elaleem, Combining the isoabsorptive point in the ratio spectrum and the smart ratio difference methods for a single step determination of compounds with overlapped spectra, Spectrochim. Acta - Part A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 95 (2012) 188–192.
[9] E.S. Elzanfaly, A.S. Saad, A.B. Abd Elaleem, A novel simple method for resolving overlapped spectral data with a wide range of applicability , and its application as a stability indicating method for determination of tazarotene., Pharm. Anal. Acta. 3 (2012) 153–156.
[10] E.S. Elzanfaly, A.S. Saad, A.E.-A.B. Abd El-Aleem, A green validated RP-HPLC method for simultaneous determination of brimonidine tartarate and timolol maleate in combined dosage form, in: 4th Int. Sci. Conf. Fac. Pharm. Entiteld "Pharmacy Educ. Community Expect., Cairo, Egypt., 2013.
[11] A.S. Saad, E.S. Elzanfaly, A.-E.B. Abd-Elaleem, A new application of the recently developed ratio difference spectrophotometric method for the determination of ternary mixtures with overlapping spectral data, in: 6th Black Sea Basin Conf. Anal. Chem., Trabzon, Turkey, 2013.
[12] A.S. Saad, Novel spectrophotometric method for selective determination of compounds in ternary mixtures (dual wavelength in ratio spectra)., Spectrochim. Acta. A. Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 147 (2015) 257–61.
[13] A.S. Saad, A.K. Attia, M.S. Alaraki, E.S. Elzanfaly, Comparative study on the selectivity of various spectrophotometric techniques for the determination of binary mixture of fenbendazole and rafoxanide, Spectrochim. Acta - Part A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 150 (2015) 682–690.
[14] A.S. Saad, N.F. Abo-Talib, M.R. El-Ghobashy, Novel ratio difference at coabsorptive point spectrophotometric method for determination of components with wide variation in their absorptivities, Spectrochim. Acta Part A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 152 (2016) 480–484.
[15] A.S. Saad, N.S. Ismail, M. Soliman, H.E. Zaazaa, Validated Stability-Indicating RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Determination of Clorsulon and Ivermectin Employing Plackett-Burman Experimental Design for Robustness Testing, J. AOAC Int. 99 (2016) 571–578.
[16] A.S. Saad, A.M. Hamdy, F.M. Salama, M.M. Abdelkawy, Enhancing prediction power of chemometric models through manipulation of the fed spectrophotometric data: A comparative study., Spectrochim. Acta. A. Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 167 (2016) 12–18.
[17] H.W. Darwish, E.S. Elzanfaly, A.S. Saad, A.E.-B. Abdelaleem, Full spectrum and selected spectrum based multivariate calibration methods for simultaneous determination of betamethasone dipropionate, clotrimazole and benzyl alcohol: development, validation and application on commercial dosage form, Spectrochim. Acta Part A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 169 (2016) 50–57.
[18] A.S. Saad, A.M. Hamdy, F.M. Salama, M. Abdelkawy, Validated UPLC and TLC-densitometry stability indicating methods for determination of rafoxanide in presence of its degradation products, J. Chromatogr. Sci. 54 (2016) 1661–1669.
[19] A.S. Saad, M.A. Mohamed, S.H. Koshek, M.R. El-, Assessment of the oxidative degradation pathways for trifluoperazine hydrochloride and isopropamide iodide through a validated SPE-HPLC methods and application in human plasma, J. Appl. Pharm. Biol. Res. 2 (2017) 10–19.
[20] E.S.E.S. Elzanfaly, A.S.A.S. Saad, Green in-Line Ion Selective Electrode Potentiometric Method for Determination of Amantadine in Dissolution Media and in Pharmaceutical Formulations, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 5 (2017) 4381–4387.
[21] A.K. Attia, A.S. Saad, M.S. Alaraki, E.S. Elzanfaly, Study of thermal analysis behavior of fenbendazole and rafoxanide, Adv. Pharm. Bull. 7 (2017).
[22] M. A. Mohamed, A.S. Saad, S.H. Koshek, M.R. El-Ghobashy, Smart electrochemical sensing platform for the simultaneous determination of psychotic disorder drugs isopropamide iodide and trifluoperazine hydrochloride, New J. Chem. 42 (2018) 9911–9919.
[23] A.S. Saad, M.R. El-Ghobashy, N.S. Ayish, B.A. El-Zeany, ISE-potentiometric sensor for the determination of zolmitriptan: applications in plasma, pharmaceutical formulation and in vitro release profile, New J. Chem. 42 (2018) 15263–15269.
[24] M.A.R. Korashy, A.S. Saad, S.A.A. Gawad, M.A. Al-Ghobashy, N.Y. Hassan, M. AbdelKawy, Chemometric assisted solid-phase extraction for the simultaneous determination of some anti-inflammatory drug residues in pharmaceutical industrial wastewater, Curr. Sci. Int. 7 (2018) 344–354.
[25] A.S. Saad, I.A. Naguib, M.E. Draz, H.E. Zaazaa, A.S. Lashien, Studying the Effect of Membrane Thickness on the Performance of Green ISE-Potentiometric Sensors: Application to Ritodrine HCl and Its Active Impurity, Tyramine, J. Electrochem. Soc. 165 (2018) H764–H769.
[26] A.S. Saad, M.R. El-Ghobashy, N.S. Ayish, B.A. El-Zeany, Greenness assessment as per Eco ‑ scale and AMVI metrics for the chromatographic assay of selected drugs in a semisolid dosage form and in tissues, Chem. Pap. (2018).
[27] A.S. Saad, I.A. Naguib, M.E. Draz, H.E. Zaazaa, A.S. Lashien, Validated Analytical Methods for the Determination of Drugs Used in the Treatment of Hyperemesis Gravidarum in Multiple Formulations, J. AOAC Int. 101 (2018) 427–436.
[28] A.S. Saad, A.M.A. Al Alamein, M.M. Galal, H.E. Zaazaa, Novel Green Potentiometric Method for the Determination of Lidocaine Hydrochloride and its Metabolite 2, 6-Dimethylaniline; Application to Pharmaceutical Dosage Form and Milk, Electroanalysis. (2018).
[29] A.M.A. Al Alamein, A.S. Saad, M.M. Galal, H.E. Zaazaa, A comparative study of different chromatographic techniques for determination of toxic impurities of some commonly used anesthetics, JPC - J. Planar Chromatogr. - Mod. TLC. 31 (2018) 280–289.
[30] A.S. Saad, N.S. Ismail, M. Soliman, H.E. Zaazaa, Study of Oxyclozanide’s Innate Stability Coupled with the Assessment of its Aquatic Photo-Transformation Using a Validated Isocratic HPLC Method., J. AOAC Int. (2018).
[31] O.M. Abdalla, A.M. Abdel-Megied, A.S. Saad, S.S. Soliman, Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of compounds having relatively disparate absorbance and concentration ranges; application to antidiabetic formulation of linagliptin and metformin, Spectrochim. Acta Part A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 203 (2018) 112–117.
[32] A.S. Saad, A.M.A. AlAlamein, M.M. Galal, H.E. Zaazaa, Traditional versus advanced chemometric models for the impurity profiling of paracetamol and chlorzoxazone: Application to pure and pharmaceutical dosage forms, Spectrochim. Acta Part A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 205 (2018) 376–380.
[33] A.S. Saad, A.M.A. Al-Alamein, M.M. Galal, H.E. Zaazaa, Voltammetric Determination of Lidocaine and Its Toxic Metabolite in Pharmaceutical Formulation and Milk Using Carbon Paste Electrode Modified with C18 Silica, J. Electrochem. Soc. 166 (2019) B103–B109.
[34] A.S. Saad, E.S. Elzanfaly, M.K. Halim, K.M. Kelani, Comparing the predictability of different chemometric models over UV-spectral data of isoxsuprine and its toxic photothermal degradation products, Spectrochim. Acta - Part A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 219 (2019) 444–449.
[35] A.M. Abou Al Alamein, A.S. Saad, S.H. Salah El-Din, A green stability indicating ISE-potentiometric method for the monitoring of chlorhexidine in the presence of its rapidly absorbed toxic degradation product; a kinetic study, Microchem. J. 149 (2019) 103969.
[36] A.S. Saad, M.R. El-Ghobashy, N.S. Ayish, B.A. El-Zeany, Greenness assessment as per Eco-scale and AMVI metrics for the chromatographic assay of selected drugs in a semisolid dosage form and in tissues, Chem. Pap. 73 (2019) 683–691.
[37] A.S. Saad, N.S. Ismail, M. Soliman, H.E. Zaazaa, Study of oxyclozanide’s innate stability coupled with the assessment of its aquatic photo-transformation using a validated isocratic HPLC method, J. AOAC Int. 102 (2019) 480–489.
[38] A.S. Saad, H.M. Essam, Evaluating the Effect of four Hosting Ionophores on the Performance of Anion Selective Potentiometric Sensor, Electroanalysis. 31 (2019) 2224–2231.
[39] A.M. Yehia, A.S. Saad, M.A. Tantawy, USB multiplex analyzer employing screen-printed silver electrodes on paper substrate; A developed design for dissolution testing, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 186 (2020) 113272.
[40] N.S. Abdelwahab, F.H. Edrees, M.T. Alsaadi, N.H. Amin, A.S. Saad, Simultaneous estimation of dimenhydrinate, cinnarizine and their toxic impurities benzophenone and diphenylmethylpiperazine; in silico toxicity profiling of impurities, RSC Adv. 10 (2020) 37439–37448.
[41] K.M. Kelani, E.S. Elzanfaly, M.K. Halim, A.S. Saad, Computational optimization of a novel solid-state sensor for stable assay of isoxsuprine hydrochloride in the presence of its nephrotoxic/hepatotoxic photothermal degradation products: application in different sampling matrices, New J. Chem. 44 (2020) 15260–15269.
[42] A.S. Saad, F.H. Edrees, M.T. Elsaady, N.H. Amin, N.S. Abdelwahab, Experimentally Designed Sensor for Direct Determination of the Environmentally Hazardous Compound and Occupational Exposure Biomarker (p-aminophenol) in Different Sampling Matrices, J. Electrochem. Soc. 167 (2020) 147504.
[43] N.S. Abdelwahab, F.H. Edrees, M.T. Alsaadi, N.H. Amin, A.S. Saad, Therapeutic drug monitoring of two co-administered drugs through development of two ecological chromatographic methods: Invivo application, Microchem. J. 156 (2020) 104935.
[44] M.M. Galal, A.S. Saad, Portable solid-state sensor for therapeutic monitoring of an antineoplastic drug; vinblastine in human plasma, RSC Adv. 10 (2020) 42699–42705.
[45] M.E. Draz, I.A. Naguib, A.S. Saad, Computational ionophore selection during optimization of a portable calixarene based sensor for direct assay of levamisole residues in livestock products, J. Electroanal. Chem. 897 (2021) 115546.
[46] H. Ibrahim, A.M. Hamdy, H.A. Merey, A.S. Saad, Dual-mode gradient HPLC and TLC densitometry methods for the simultaneous determination of paracetamol and methionine in the presence of paracetamol impurities, J. AOAC Int. (2021).
[47] F.H. Edrees, A.S. Saad, M.T. Alsaadi, N.H. Amin, N.S. Abdelwahab, Experimentally designed chromatographic method for the simultaneous analysis of dimenhydrinate, cinnarizine and their toxic impurities, RSC Adv. 11 (2021) 1450–1460.
[48] H. Ibrahim, A.M. Hamdy, H.A. Merey, A.S. Saad, Simultaneous Determination of Paracetamol, Propyphenazone and Caffeine in Presence of Paracetamol Impurities Using Dual-Mode Gradient HPLC and TLC Densitometry Methods, J. Chromatogr. Sci. 59 (2021) 140–147.
[49] M.E. Draz, H.W. Darwish, I.A. Darwish, A.S. Saad, Solid-state potentiometric sensor for the rapid assay of the biologically active biogenic amine (tyramine) as a marker of food spoilage, Food Chem. 346 (2021) 128911.
[50] M. Soliman, A.S. Saad, N.S. Ismail, H.E. Zaazaa, A validated RP-HPLC method for determination of nitroxinil and investigation of its intrinsic stability, J. Iran. Chem. Soc. 18 (2021) 351–361.
[51] A.S. Saad, N.S. Ismail, N.S. Gaber, E.S. Elzanfaly, Introducing a Polymeric Ion Exchanger as a Modifier for Carbon-Paste Potentiometric Sensors, J. Electrochem. Soc. 168 (2021) 017504.
[52] M.E. Wahba, D. El Wasseef, A.S. Saad, M.E. Draz, Calixarene based portable sensor for the direct assay of indiscriminate ephedrine content of weight loss herbal preparations, RSC Adv. 11 (2021) 12833–12844.
[53] M.O. Heragy, A.A.M. Moustafa, E.S. Elzanfaly, A.S. Saad, A portable solid-state potentiometric sensor based on a polymeric ion-exchanger for the assay of a controversial food colorant (sunset yellow), Anal. Methods. (2021).
[54] K.M. Kelani, E.S. Elzanfaly, A.S. Saad, M.K. Halim, M.B. El-Zeiny, Different greenness assessment perspectives for stability-indicating RP-HPLC method used for the assay of isoxsuprine hydrochloride and four nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic photothermal degradation products, Microchem. J. 171 (2021) 106826.
[55] A.S. Saad, M.E. Draz, I.A. Naguib, H.E. Zaazaa, A.S. Lashien, F.F. Abdallah, Adoption of Advanced Chemometric Methods for Determination of Pyridoxine HCl, Cyclizine HCl, and Meclizine HCl in Presence of Related Impurities: A Comparative Study, J. AOAC Int. (2021).
[56] S.S. Soliman, G.A. Sedik, M.R. Elghobashy, H.E. Zaazaa, A.S. Saad, Greenness Assessment Profile of a QbD Screen-Printed Sensor for Real-Time Monitoring of Sodium Valproate, Microchem. J. (2022) 107859.
[57] K.M. Kelani, M.R. Rezk, A.S. Saad, M.S. ElSherbiny, H.H. Monir, Green Validated TLC and UV Spectrometric Techniques for Hyoscine Butylbromide and Ketoprofen Determination in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form, J. Anal. Chem. 77 (2022) 1015–1026.
[58] A.S. Saad, M.E. Draz, I.A. Naguib, H.E. Zaazaa, A.S. Lashien, F.F. Abdallah, Impurity‐profiling UPLC methods for quantitative analysis of some antiemetics formulated with pyridoxine, Biomed. Chromatogr. 36 (2022).
[59] M.A.A. Rahman, A.S. Saad, S.S. El-Mosallamy, M.R. Elghobashy, H.E. Zaazaa, S.A. Atty, Economical Voltammetric Sensor for Sensitive Rapid Determination of Ondansetron in the Presence of Opioid Antagonist Naltrexone, Electrocatalysis. 13 (2022) 567–579.
[60] A.S. Saad, M.E. Draz, I.A. Naguib, H.E. Zaazaa, A.S. Lashien, F.F. Abdallah, Adoption of Advanced Chemometric Methods for Determination of Pyridoxine HCl, Cyclizine HCl, and Meclizine HCl in the Presence of Related Impurities: A Comparative Study, J. AOAC Int. 105 (2022) 630–640.
[61] S.S. Soliman, A.E. El-Haddad, G.A. Sedik, M.R. Elghobashy, H.E. Zaazaa, A.S. Saad, Experimentally designed chemometric models for the assay of toxic adulterants in turmeric powder, RSC Adv. 12 (2022) 9087–9094.

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