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Aims Services


  1. Preformulation studies on solid and semisolid preparations using Quality by Design (QbD) approach including conventional oral tablets, mouth dissolving tablets, orally disintegrating tablets, effervescent tablets, chewable tablets, bioadhesive tablets, modified release tablets, nanosuspensions, nanoemulsions and topical semisolids.
  2. Formulation of DMU gel and DMU antiseptic solution to overcome common infections.
  3. Training of undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  4. Organization of training programs and workshops.
  5. Hosting educational visits from nearby schools.
حقوق النسخ © كل الحقوق محفوظة كلية الصيدلة جامعة القاهرة | القصر العيني, القاهرة, جمهورية مصر العربية |رقم بريدي 11562
للاتصال بنا | تليفون: 23639307 - 23624917 - 2363245 - (00202) | فاكس: 23628246